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Our Mission

Help our brothers and sisters in the community by providing Caring, Compassionate, and Empowering Services.

​We advoacte for social change in collaboration with community partners, resulting in a decreasenin food deserts, poverty, homelessness, and mental health challenges.

Girl Gazing

Sustainable Solutions


Whole Me Mentorship Program:


1. Build & Improve Communication Skills

2. Provide Knowledge & Networks for Leadership & Entrepreneurship

3. Provide Life Coaching & Supportive Services



Develop networking skills for future careers, Improve Self-care, build higher self-esteem, and work-life balance & stability. Personal and professional development for effectiveness in Trust, Respect, Expectations, & Aspirations.



1. Communication Workshops

     a. Decision Making Skills

     b. Problem Solving Skills

2. Career Development Training

      a. Resume Writing

      b. Interview Training

      c. Marketing & Networking

3. Health & Wellness Training

      a. Healthy Eating

      b. Exercise 

      c. Life Coaching


High Hopes & Homes:



1. Providing stable housing solutions and support services to individuals and families facing housing insecurity.

2. Provide assistance to families in crisis including cut hours, job loss, spousal loss,etc



Decrease in Homelessness. Decreased poverty. High hopes for the Future of Families

Tailored Support

At DIME Ministries, Inc., we understand that each person's journey is unique. That's why we offer personalized support and solutions to address the specific needs of every individual.

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